Laravel Macros Postmortem

Laravel gives you ability to add methods to a class at runtime by using Macroable (IlluminateSupportTraitsMacroable) Trait . You need to use Macroable trait inside the class in which you want to add methods at run time. Here is an example from the Laravel Documentation. following code adds a toUpper method to the Collection class: How to register your Macros? …

Form Request Validation in Laravel API’s

When we write API’s in Laravel and use Form Requests to validate the requests, the default Laravel behavior is to throw Validation Exception ( IlluminateValidationValidationException ) and redirect the user to the previous page. This redirect Url can be configured as well if we want to. As a result of it, we see a response with 200 status code, and …

Shopify Theme Development

A theme controls the user interface and feel of the online store. It makes the storefunctional and interactive with the customers. Store Theme Limitations A store can have only 20 themes installed, and only one of themcan be published which customers will see when the store is live. Store Theme Limitations: A store can have only 20 themes installed, and …